Serving Raytheon Retirees
We are an independent Group of retired employees who have joined together to improve the conditions of our fellow retirees.
Join Today
Our goal is to be the voice of retirees and active Raytheon employees to assure that our benefits are provided as promised and to maintain and improve these benefits as much as possible. Join today and receive:

Full support and assistance with any issues, questions related to your retirees benefits or dealings with the benefits office.

Attend our annual meetings and receive information on our finances, membership, communication and Raytheon offerings.

Our bi-annual newsletter includes information of interest to our retirees such as insurance, travel, tips and discounts.

With ARR you have the access to contact and chat with other Raytheon Retirees you may wish to reconnect with.
Latest News & Articles
Our goal is to be the voice of retirees and active Raytheon employees to assure that our benefits are provided as promised and to maintain and improve these benefits as much as possible.
Click the button below to view / download the 2021 RAYSIP documents.
Annual Meetings
To watch past zoom meetings and view any related links click below.
ARR Newsletters
Our bi-annual newsletter includes information of interest to our retirees.
Article Search
Looking for specific information on a topic? Visit our article search.
Interviews of Raytheon Royalty
In our latest April 2023 Newsletter we wrote an article titled: Interviews and Video of Raytheon Royalty. Below are the corresponding interviews mentioned.