Health Articles

Age Calculations

Age Calculations

How many minutes old are you? When will you be 4000 weeks old? Here is a way to have additional anniversaries to celebrate. Go to the Time and Date site below and put in whatever starting date you wish. On 3/2/2021 I will be 40 million minutes old!...

Drug Costs – AARP

Drug Costs – AARP

AARP just published a very informative and lengthy article about drug costs.  It is available, free, at and is worthwhile reading.

I am not aging, but I know that most of you are.

I am not aging, but I know that most of you are.

I am not aging, but I know that most of you are. A friend recently went through the process of dealing with a burial in Massachusetts.  It was VERY expensive, though he attempted to keep the costs moderate.  That caused me to do some research and I found an...

Massachusetts Health Care Proxy

Massachusetts Health Care Proxy

Some time ago I wrote an article on a Living Will, extolling the virtues of something called Five Wishes. I still think that it is an excellent document as it allows one to describe, for many different circumstances, what you want done with your life when you are unable to make the choices yourself

Save the House from the Nursing Home

Save the House from the Nursing Home

The refrain heard on the radio is a solicitation to discover how to avoid payment to a nursing home. The radio announcement doesn’t mention an unpleasant fact. In order to owe the nursing …