Age Calculations

Age Calculations

How many minutes old are you? When will you be 4000 weeks old? Here is a way to have additional anniversaries to celebrate. Go to the Time and Date site below and put in whatever starting date you wish. On 3/2/2021 I will be 40 million minutes old!...
Age Calculations

Fiduciary Regulation

I got the following note 9/30/2018 from my lawyer Eckel, Hoag, Morgan & O’Connor: “The fiduciary rule, a regulation that required financial advisers to put their clients’ interests ahead of their own, is now dead. Registered Investment Advisers are already...
Drug Costs – AARP

Drug Costs – AARP

AARP just published a very informative and lengthy article about drug costs.  It is available, free, at and is worthwhile reading.